Here is an example of a vaccination protocol for calves. This is not a “one size fits all” program as each farm has different needs. You may already find that you are doing this or you may find that it is something you are interested in using on your farm.

First vaccine to be given at 1-2 weeks of age is Inforce 3: This is an intra-nasal vaccine (1 mL in each nostril). This vaccine will protect your calves against IBR, BRSV and PI-3, all of which are viruses responsible for causing pneumonia.

Second Vaccine to be given at 3 months of age is Pyramid 5 + presponse:This is a vaccine given subcutaneously (2mL). It helps protect your calves against IBR, BRSV and PI-3, and BVD type 1 and type 2 which are viruses responsible for causing pneumonia. It will also protect your calves against Mannhemia and Pasteurella, two other bacteria also responsible for causing pneumonia in calves.

 Third Vaccine is to be given when the calf is 6 months old: Pyramid 5 + presponse– give booster of 2ml.

Fourth Vaccine at 12 months old: Pyramid 5 + presponse: give booster of 2 ml.

You may give this vaccine to older animals as well but they must get this injection at least 4 weeks before breeding.

Yearly vaccination: Every year after the initial vaccines, the cow should be given Triangle 5 or Triangle 10. Giving them this annual vaccination will help keep their defense system active. This vaccine will protect your cows against the pneumonia causing bacteria ofIBR, BRSV and PI-3, BVD type 1 and 2. The difference between Triangle 5 and Triangle 10 is that leptospirosis protection is added into Triangle 10. Leptospirosis is a bacterium that is found outside in pastures that may cause abortions. Only animals that are let outside in the summer need the added protection in the Triangle 10 vaccine.

If you follow this protocol with the calves, you will only have to give one shot of Triangle 5 or Triangle 10 annually. If you skipped one of the previous steps, you must give a booster dose of Triangle 5 or Triangle 10 one month after the first vaccination.

To recap:

Inforce 3: Give intra-nasally at 1-2 wks of age.

Pyramid 5 and Presponse: Give injection under the skin at ages 3, 6 and 12 months. Do not give within 4 weeks of breeding if using in older heifers.

Triangle 5 and Triangle 10: Give annually after initial immunization protocol has been followed.